Thursday, March 5, 2009

lets run!

ugh. im getting a little irritated by my roommate right now.
i mean, she tries to make her boyfriend a better person,
but when her boyfriend tries to make her a better person, she doesn't do it.
like she always tells him to go to class and stuff
and he tells her to go to class, but she says no
i know im no expert in relationships and whatever, but
shouldn't it be a two way street?
each person tries to make the other person better?
sigh i don't know

anyways today was a really pretty day :)
it was sunny, yet cool.
i went to the arc today and started off at 5.0 mph
5.23 miles and 508 calories
im excited to improve :)
the elliptical was getting a little boring.
hahha but i showed improvement with that too
i used to burn like 400 cals/hour
but i kept working at it til 600 cals/hour
i feel weird talking in calories, but it didn't tell me how many miles i ran on the elliptical..
but yeah whoo hopefully i'll start running faster and faster :DD


okay got back from late night with aacf freshmen
so i need to rant more.
my future housemates have stopped asking me if they can eat my food now :(
i came back from class and they were eating my yogurt, bread, peanut butter and jam :o
im kind of sad today because of that.
and im almost sad bc well
here's how me and shannon do laundry.
we kind of do it together so we can save money
we separated colors last saturday. i did the laundry last saturday for her clothes & mines.
she didn't do any laundry.
it is not almost friday and she still hasn't done the laundry.
laundry that has my clothes in it.
i dont know. i feel like . shouldn't you want to do laundry especially if you're doing someone elses?
frowns all around :(

1 comment:

  1. Yea it's a two way thing. or else it just seems like your roomie is bossy. ahhaa. :P

    so i think i made justin mad cuz i finally find his ex's myspace and she's like really pretty and i said "aw you guys would be cute together" and now he's mad at mee T_T oops. ahhaa

    ANYWAY, IM SAD I HAVE NO MONEY TO DO ANYTHING FUN!!! >:O like, shop. ahahaa. pacsun and their sales leave me heartbroken :(
