Thursday, May 28, 2009


i just woke up from a 6 hour nap.
i guess i don't need to sleep tonight :)
it's okay, i'd rather study all night long for my math midterm.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

fml? no! tyfml!

i think people need to stop saying "fml".
seriously, it's like
"i woke up late and i didn't go to class. fml."
really? you think your life is ruined because you woke up late?
maybe if a bird pooped on your head three times and someone shot you in the arm because they thought you were their creepy exboyfriend or something, then maybe you can say it.
but come on
people are using it for every. little. thing.

how about we be a little grateful for the things that are going on in our lives? hm? :)
how about tyfml? thank you for my life?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

6 miles!

and now im tired. super tired.

today was freshmen buddy potluck! me and hannah made 7 layer dip and salad. nomnomnom. it was nice talking to her and stuff. i told her about how i wasn't sure if i should stay at aacf or not. she said something about aacf's focus is bonding with people ands stuff. i guess it just depends on what i look for in a fellowship. food was really good. but i ate a lot. hence, the 6 miles :p.

i thought it was kind of weird how david kam was playing guitar. and i eagerly asked if he knew how to play 'simple starving to be safe' and he started playing it then he said with a 'smile' "sorry i don't really like that song", and stopped playing. i don't know. that just made me not like him so much. hahah. iono just WEIRD -_-

anyways i need to study hardcore for chemistry. SERIOUSLY!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


there's a spider in my room. & it's been in here since yesterday. i wondered how mr. spider spent his day in my room. but then i remembered that i could care LESS because i want him out of my room and/or dead. sorry i have no compassion for spiders. i've been spending a while watching it scurry around the walls. i even tried vacuuming it. that didn't work out. oh and thanks roommate for videotaping me trying to kill the spider. really thanks. no, i don't need help killing the spider thanks so much. -_-
ahh how am i going to sleep knowing the spider might crawl on me? or go in my mouth?
EEK. last time i saw it was in my closet. how will i ever wear clothes again?

no, im not paranoid; thank you very much.

Monday, May 18, 2009

i. need. to. stay. focused.
but its too hard.

p.s. i want sims 3 now.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i wish.

i wish i could draw :(
i mean i love playing around with computer graphics
but i don't really do much with that..
i can't make things up from scratch.
i use paintbrushes that other people make

i wish i could explore the more creative/artistic in me.
that is, if i do have one at all.

learning how to sketch and draw..
and i wish i had photoshop so i could play around with it
it's really amazing what people can create!
on photoshop, on paper, with sewing machines

i wish i wish i wish!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


today i had a talk a talk with jasmine about colleges.
i realized that although i don't hate davis, im not exactly in love with it.
& even though im quite aware of the whole "don't regret anything",
i often wonder what it'd be like if i went to sd, or irvine.
it's horrible, i know.
but im human and my mind wanders off sometimes.
the thing about davis is that i don't feel like i belong.
especially with looking for a church and fellowship.
i know that no church/fellowship will be perfect,
but i feel like there are two essentials.
one, have solid beliefs and teachings
two, good fellowship.
the ones i've been going to have one or the other,
and it's quite frustrating!
i suppose i gotta just keep trusting God on this..

i did really like how jasmine and i got to talk today though.
it's nice talking to her. really :)
we were just talking about colleges and people..
haha but i liked it.
went to river today and was stuck in afterfellowship there for like THREE hours.
kind of sucked, but whatevs!

i might join circle k/rotaract with jasmine. woot woot :)

OMG SIMS 3 is coming out june 2nd.
that's such big news.
i want itt!