Sunday, April 26, 2009


friday went to river on campus for bible study
we talked about dating. verrry interesting.

then afterwards went to aacf girls sleepover :)
we watched '10 things i hate about you'
& we baked sugary, fattening goodies.
you know, the best kind of food there is ;p
pumpkin cupcakes!
then we just sat and had girl talk
stuff about caitlin's creeper boy story
and hannah's weird story
and lauren's boy story.
then every one tricked off to slumber
except for me :(
hahah so i got back to my dorm really early
and slept from 9am-6pm.
talk about screwing up your sleeping pattern!

after i slept, i went to the gym, so i could feel like i did SOMETHING productive
got back, and attempting to catch up on massive amounts of homework.

p.s. i got a 91% on my chem midterm! that's pretty amazing since i usually get like 30%. ahahahh. but the exam was pretty easy, no lie :(. i mean, a lot of people found it easy.
and after the curve, my math exam is actually a B. take that stupid chemistry and math.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

okay, maybe not.

ok well, i think i will write about my daily happenings here,
and leave the other stuff for some place mysterious :)

so, maybe i was a little bit too ahead of myself with the whole 4.0 thing.
i got a 79% on my calc exam today.
i was pretty freaking bummed out because i thought i did pretty well on it.
i hate stupid, small mistakes.
i think if i got an 80% i wouldn't been too bummed out.
yes i am aware that its just a one point increase,
but it sure looks better, don't you think?

today ate dinner with future housemates + hanna + paul + dan +gary.
it was nice eating dinner with them :D

HAH, so now my future roommates are starting to complain about paying so much for our next year's apartment. i could totally do the "told you so" thing & show them my blog where i angrily rant about the apartment thing, but i think i'll hold off for now.

ran 5 miles today. feelin' good yo.

p.s. i love naps.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hallelujah, she's alive.

so i don't really blog here anymore
notice i didn't say i don't blog anymore
i just don't blog here.

that being said,
let's go 4.0?

its pretty hot up here.
so this is how it feels to be a piece of burnt toast.

im having a hate-love relationship with junk food.
i love how delicious it tastes when im eating it
i hate how i feel afterwards.
oh mouth, why must you love sugar?