Friday, February 27, 2009

i feel like i haven't written here for a while.

oh wait, that's because it's true.
i've been pretty busy studying for midterms and such.
i really didn't procrastinate this time around!
i started studying almost a week before my midterms!
i took my math midterm on wednesday.
i got a 90! this is pretty good compared to my previous 62% yeah?
but yeah, im definitely going to study every day
so i have time to go the arc and stuff :)
im really excited for this new plan.
i have my chem midterm tomorrow
and i understood a lot of the practice midterm
so hopefully i will do well on the actual midterm :)
i'm really really thankful for my future housemates
i really love them! they make being at uc davis so much better.
ooh i have a paper due tomorrow (well i guess today now)
but i already finished it :)
i just have to proof it and turn it in by 5:00 tomorrow

i went to berkeley on saturday (2/21) to see aaron perform in an a capella competition
it was pretty fun!

okay time to shower and study a little more chemistry
and then sleeeeep

Thursday, February 19, 2009

feel the burn.

wednesday night was pretty cool.
harry potter theme at our dc
aacf was going to eat at segundo,
but when we walked over, the line was way too long.
so we walked back to tercero and had a small group :)
celeste, jasmine, shannon, hannah, paul, paul's friend, and me!
it was really nice. i realize now that maybe i should have taken pictures.
because it was all just really cute.

ooh! i went to the arc earlier on wednesday, and i was sad because there were no machines.
so i reluctantly went onto the treadmill
and found out that i love it!

i woke up today feeling very achy.
but i love that.
ahahh its like i can feel the burn.
is that weird?
maybe a little huh?

but anyways, today was pretty normal
i studied for math quiz
i think i did okay on it
i decided to make my own dinner at my dorm today
rice was disgusting
seaweed was disgusting.
hahah but the gen neep was good.

now i am studying for my sas midterm #2!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


today aaron and denise took shannon, dana, and i to arden mall!
i was excited because i hadn't gone shopping in like a month and a half.
haha that's not even a long time, but whatever.
good news: i finally bought a long, gray cardigan for $10.00
bad news: i didn't buy anything else.
hahah well its good i didn't spend a lot of money i guess.
it's just, everything is so expensive!

we might go thrifting + marshalls + ross this saturday.
all the stores are on the same street, so that's helpful.

i'm cheap.

anyways finally got fafsa out of the way yesterday.

im kind of sad that school is starting again tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

abandoned again!

oh no. i haven't blogged in a long time again :(
it's been really nice these past couple of days :)
on thursday, shannon, jasmine, celeste, and i had dinner at gary's house. gary made fettucine and dan made this rice+porkchops thing. it was really good! gosh, they're so nice. really thankful for them :). AND THEN we went to safeway, and gary bought us ice cream! strawberry cheesecake + cookie dough. :D :D. it was a really chill night. we just watched tv and hung out. oh! and paul came too. poor mike. he had to wash all the dishes because it was his turn. he didn't even eat anything though! seriously, the dishes were like overflowing from the sink. felt so bad :( but, nevertheless, it was a fun night!

friday, went to aacf and took brother along this time. i hope he had fun D:
umm, for afterfellowship, the girls went to plan for brother's appreciation night, and the boys went to santa rosa to play games and watch tv. you know, guy stuff. hahah

saturday, it was valentine's day! er, single awareness day :). hahah it was fun because the three of us were helping masumi plan a scavenger hunt for jasmine. she had to walk A LOT. from like tercero, to downtown davis, and then to old tea house. sheesh. but yeah. i guess celeste and we were frustrated because it was like she was doing all the work getting flowers and balloons. masumi was just telling her what to do -_-. but what's done is done. and i just hope she enjoyed everything! mm after that, we watched the wedding singer. it was awfully cute <3. paul came over to eat our junk food and just chill. after that we went to saratoga 17 to play jedi mafia. daaang so confusing. hhaha but i guess it was fun ;). then jasmine and i went to aaron's room to play his keyboard (everything by michael buble!) and guitar! it was really fun, even though i suck :( i can play 4 chords! haha but i can play a song with that. cool huh? yeah we were there until 2 or something. then we came back to dorms.

sunday! went to ucc. i think i will stick with this church. i think. hahah

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

yay for drugs!

sudaffed, that is :)
anyways, i feel a lot better today!
i feel like this quarter is pretty bad
because i don't understand
a n y t h i n g.
i don't understand chem
i don't understand math
im probably going to get a stupid b in english
and i stopped paying attention in my mushroom class
which is my fault, i know. stupid wifi ><.
hopefully i will be able to focus on my studies this 3 day weekend :)

went to dinner with shannon and paul today.
shannon and jasmine went to kccc
while i worked diligently on my math hw
not really. hah.
umm yeah i don't think there is much else for me to say?

except today was very rainy and gloomy.
i need to make a schedule for healthy living.
because seriously, i want to live a healthy life.
i want to eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis
because then i feel better and i study better!
hopefully i'll be able to make one, and stay on track :)

im going to work on english and then sleep early.
whoo hoo!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

esther is sick.

so today i skipped my enl class because i felt horribly sick when i woke up. i had sore throat + fever + all these other not so lovely symptoms. of all english classes i go to, i just had to miss the most important one? whatever. i'll copy notes from a stranger :o. so i felt kind of ticked off today at shannon. okay, so she's kind of the one who got me sick. and i don't expect her to cater to me or anything, but maybe a little consideration? she was talking to her boyfriend on webcam and on the phone really loudly. and i was thinking "couldn't she just talk to her boyfriend outside on the balcony?" especially when every noise is magnified like 100x because of me being sick? i don't know, i don't think she's that considerate..or maybe it's just me? i don't know, what would you expect your roommate to do when you're trying to sleep away the sickness? i sucked it up and went to legos because i was supposed to lead the game. i felt very ugh though. but luckily angela took me to savemart to get me some drugs :). i just ate some, so i hope that i'll be knocked out on my bed sometime soon!

Monday, February 9, 2009

weekends are meant for playing.

so, i didn't get any work done over the weekend. but it's okay. weekends were meant for rest right? :) sunday, went to ucc for church. afterwards we swiped the upperclassmen into the dc for brunch. i think i took a nap. OH. shannon, celeste, and jasmine went to river city grace church yesterday. anyways, i went to bible study prep for legos, and it was cool. after that we played supersmash on gamecube for a bit, then we went to safeway to get gabby a birthday cake! then we surprised her at 12:00am. well we were a little bit late, and we sang happy birthday! the cake was good. mm. icecream cake :). but yeah it was fun! then i woke up today and the first thing i thought was "i hate school." ahahah oh how nice it would be to just sleep in :)

12:48 am.
so i still hate school.
i think im starting to get sick.
my roomie is sick, and she doesn't cover her mouth when she coughs >O
but yeah now we're both sick.
yay. -_-
ahh i hate school.
why cant we just play all day?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

lazy saturday.

today was cool. woke up at like 11:30 and just laid in bed for a half hour. ate brunch with shannon. did laundry. that took foreverr! then celeste, jasmine, shannon, and i went to downtown davis to eat froyo, dinner, and hang out at borders. it was fun chilling :) watched mall cop. it was okay. lol whenever i watch movies online, i get distracted with other stuff. so badd:(. talked to dana in the bathroom. very interesting.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

iron chef!

so what are the odds of this. shannon and i both didn't hear our alarms and overslept. LAME! but she woke up at 10:00 and woke me up. i had a quiz to take at like 10:40, so i rushed to get ready and read the article we were going to be tested on on the way to class. man, im so bad. ahah -_-.
but anyways, the rest of the day was okay. shannon and i had lunch and then the four of us headed over to sorrento to sign our lease. im paying 397 for rent and some more for our washer/dryer and utilities. sigh. im still sad about the rent im paying, but im glad im living with the girls im living with. they're really amazing <3. anyways, we were signing our lease, and the guy who was helping us sign our lease was REALLY COOL. haha we asked all these questions about him :p but he was cool about it. caitlin was being really cute and she just popped in and was like "ohmygosh are their cookies in here?" hahah and while we were signing papers, gary, paul, and dan lined up outside the balcony and said hi. i don't know if that made sense, but it was really cute. ahaha afterwards, we went to caitlin's house in avalon. it's so preeeeetty, but madd expensive. haha. then we bused back with gary and dan. i didn't feel hungry, so i didn't eat. i showered instead. then i went to aacf alone bc the other three went to msm. aacf was really cool bc caitlin gave a really awesome testimony about the homeless outreach event. then someone from river rock grace church came. he was blind, and it was just really inspiring to preach. afterwards, we had iron chef for afterfellowship. i was in group four and MAN we were bangingggggggggggg. haha i don't even know if that word makes sense. but whatever. the secret ingredient was strawberries and we made a three course meal. yeee. i helped make the brownies :D. but yeah, it was really fun. and we ended up winning so yeeeee!
too bad there wasn't a reward; hahah but fun nonetheless!
now im in my dorm and the three of them are watching a korean drama; i think its boys over flowers. wheee

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

late night eatings.

today started off bad, but i really tried to keep a positive attitude. lab was awful. i didn't take out the khp last week and so just everything was messed up. i was in a pretty bad mood after that. i should have gone to the gym, but i felt exhausted after my 9-4pm classes. so i just did some homework, and took a nap. then we went to dinner with celeste. gary and michelle joined us later. but they couldn't eat. so we went back to my dorm and waited for late night. then paul called and asked if we could swipe him in with his friend. i said sure and we all went to late night. hahah it was just really nice. just talking and laughing. it really made my day :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

tuesday discounts :)

only one class today :). went to the arc in the afternoon. went to eat dinner at segundo with lilly, her roomie, steven, agna, and jasmine. afterwards, aacf legos went to baskinrobbins for the $1.00 scoop icecream. cookie dough=yum. jasmine's strawberry cheesecake was also very delicious :). after that, we went to watch benjamin button for $5.00! i thought it was an interesting concept. i don't know, im not too picky with movies, so yeah :) came back to dorm to see chinese fooodd. yummy :D

Monday, February 2, 2009

craving rockband.

i don't know if that makes sense, but i just really want to play rockband. hahah.

still a bit frustrated with the whole apartment thing.
so im going to rant.
because after all, isn't that what blogs are for?

i mean, honestly, i've been doing apartment research since like november.
and i sent them links, pricing, bus lines, convenience information.
and they didn't respond to anything.
and now here we are
with only one option because they waited until the last minute
to find an apartment
and now i have to pay 400 dollars to share a room.
i know you say "i don't care where we live." well, not you're not too happy about paying so much for a apartment yeah?
i just don't appreciate you guys procrastinating until the last minute
to find an apartment
when i spend forever researching them.
it's just really frustrating.
why didn't you guys respond to the things i sent you?
why when i asked you guys just said "i don't know" or "i don't care"
isn't this supposed to be a group effort?

anyways, that's my rant for the day.
i did my chem lab stuff and math hw
and they're due on weds & thurs :D


went to ucc today for church; didn't go to college class. oh well!
afterwards, went back to dorm and ate brunch with shannon.
then i worked on some designs for aacf shirt!
so this is for aacf

and then i have two for legos

i don't reall care if they get "picked" or whatever. they were just fun to make; and good experience :)

went to superbowl party at randy's house. i didn't really watch because im not a huge football fan, but it was cool to just chill. we played rockband though! i lovelove it. im so buying rockband next yearr! i can play medium on drums now *nods head proudly*. hahah. mm hotlinks.
i heard federer lost to nadal today? and the steelers won?

got back home, found out that everyone wants to live in sorrento. i guess. im paying 400 dollars a month to share a room. ridiculous. honestly, im kind of mad, but i can't do anything about it because majority rules.